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Company Profile

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Outstanding Shares

Number outstanding shares: 167,287,797
Shares to be subscribed: 32,608,057
Number of shares owned by minority shareholders: 3,023,247

Equity composition

25 majority shareholders

CORFERIAS common shares are registered and circulate in uncertificated form. The administrator and custodian is Depósito Centralizado de Valores de Colombia DECEVAL S.A.

Visit the website of Superintendencia financiera here.

Subordinate Status - See Business Structure

See Organization chart

Considering that the Bogota Chamber of Commerce is Corferias’ majority stockholder, Corferias is one of its affiliated companies. However, Corferias has its own independent legal standing as a private for-profit publicly traded corporation. Apart from CORFERIAS, the following are also Chamber of Commerce affiliated companies:

Through its subsidiary Corferias Inversiones S.A.S., Corferias develops business operations that are supplementary to fairs and exhibits, it holds ownership interest of 100% of the company, holding the financial and administrative control directly.

Certificate of Outstanding Shares in individuals other than those who constitute the same actual beneficiary.
To learn about the certificate, please click here.

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